Kaw Nation

Boards & Committees
Pursuant to the Kaw Nation Constitution, the Tribal Council appoints members to boards, committees, commissions, in which a majority of the members must be Kaw Nation Citizens, unless stated otherwise in the Constitution. Under the Tribal Council Rules of Procedure, no Citizen may serve on more than three (3) Governmental Committees, Commissions and Boards and Tribal Council Members may not serve on more than one (1) Governmental Board and Committee. All Boards, Committees, and Commissions shall be accountable to the Tribal Council and compensation of those serving on the Boards, Committees and Commissions, unless otherwise provided by the Kaw Nation Constitution or applicable law. Kaw Nation Citizens should complete a Tribal Board/Committee Interest Card to be considered for a Governmental Board and Committee. The Tribal Council may ask for individuals to present at a Tribal Council meeting to describe interest, qualifications and availability to serve on the boards. Background checks may be required.

Kaw Nation Budget & Appropriations Committee
Kaw Nation Budget & Appropriations Committee Job Description
Voting members of the Kaw Nation Budget Committee consists of five (5) Committee Members, including one (1) at large Kaw Nation Citizen appointed by the Tribal Council. The Committee meets as determined by the Finance Director, but a minimum of once per quarter. The Committee established annual financial goals and priorities for the upcoming fiscal year, review proposed budgets, review budget modifications, develop a comprehensive annual budget, and approve budgets and budget modifications to be submitted to Tribal Council for final review.
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Kaw Nation Cemetery Committee
Kaw Nation Cemetery Committee Job DescriptionÂ
Members of the Cemetery Committee shall be appointed by Tribal Council. The Cemetery Committee carries out the Cemetery Rules and Regulations relating to funeral proceedings and burials at the Kaw Nation Cemetery. The Committee designates spaces for interments consistent with such Rules and Regulations. The Committee may also make additional policies consistent with the Rules and Regulations and/or make recommendations to the Tribal Council for changes to the Rules and Regulations.
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Kaw Nation Compensation Commission
Kaw Nation Compensation Commission Job Description
The Compensation Commission has such responsibilities set forth in Article IV, Section 3(B) of the Kaw Nation Constitution. Compensation Committee members consists of five (5) people appointed by the Tribal Council and confirmed by the General Council. Members serve a four (4) year term. The Compensation Committee makes recommendations to the General Council on any salary changes of Tribal Council members and any yearly bonuses. Any compensation changes or bonuses are subject to approval of the General Council. The Compensation Commission may also assist in developing Policies and Procedures for consideration to be approved by the General Council.
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Kaw Nation Election Board
Kaw Nation Election Board Job Description
Tribal Council nominates Board members who are then individually confirmed by a majority vote of the General Council. Board members are five (5) individuals serving four (4) year staggered terms. The Board’s Commissioner or three (3) Board members may call a meeting at any time with at least five (5) days’ notice. The Board oversees all aspects of Kaw Nation elections, including verification of voter qualifications, voter lists, absentee voting, fulfilling vacancies, time, place, and method of voting, counting ballots, and conducting runoff and special elections. The Board keeps election records, maintains ballot boxes, reviews candidates’ certification, candidate challenges, and responds to challenges by conducting hearings. Board members shall have the right to vote but must serve impartially and refrain from all partisan activities.
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Kaw Nation Enrollment Committee
Kaw Nation Enrollment Committee Job Description
Committee members consist of three (3) Kaw Nation citizens, appointed by Tribal Council, who serve three (3) year staggered terms and regularly meet once a month. The Committee reviews enrollment applications and determines whether the applicant meets enrollment qualifications. The Committee directs the Enrollment Clerk and staff to notify applicants of the Committee’s acceptance or rejection. The Committee may also make recommendations to Tribal Council regarding applicants who have previously been members of another tribe.
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Kaw Nation Grant Review Committee
Kaw Nation Grant Review Committee Job Description
The Grant Review Committee consists of seven (7) Committee Members, including two (2) at large Kaw Nation Citizens appointed by the Tribal Council. The Grant Review Committee meets at least once per month. The Grant Review Committee is to review requests for grant applications, submit recommendations to the Tribal Council on whether a grant should be approved, oversee active grants and report any concerns to the Tribal Chair and, if needed, to the Tribal Council.  The Committee should ensure that the objectives, criteria, procedures and guidelines of the grants meet the Nation’s overall vision and goals of the Nation, and voice any concerns with grants or grant funded programs.
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Kaw Nation Health Advisory Board
Kaw Nation Health Advisory Board Job Description
Tribal Council appoints at least five (5) and at most seven (7) Board members who serve a term of three (3) years and regularly meet once a month. The Board operates in an advisory capacity by developing long-term strategic plans and recommendations to address community and patient needs. Plans may include, but are not limited to, resource allocation, organizational policies, operational planning, and performance improvement activities. Tribal Council must approve all proposed plans or recommendations. Once approved, the Health Director will implement the plans and recommendations, and the Board will oversee the progress and results.
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Kaw Nation Housing Board
Kaw Nation Housing Board Job Description
The Kaw Nation Housing Board shall consist of five (5) members nominated by the Tribal Chairman and confirmed by the Tribal Council. The Housing Board meets at least monthly. Officers include a Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The Housing Board oversees the operations of the Housing Authority, including the Executive Director, in the fulfillment of the responsibilities which include reviewing housing needs and planning projects to meet tribal housing needs, managing the buildings and leases associated with tribal housing projects, making rules and regulations concerning the selection of tenants and Home Buyers eligible for services, ensuring compliance with federal, tribal and Housing Authority laws and policies related to such housing activities.
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Kaw Gaming Inc. Board
Kaw Nation Kaw Gaming Inc. Job Description
The KGI Board of Directors consists of not less than five (5) and not more than seven (7) members appointed by the Tribal Council. Terms are four (4) years. Members of the Tribal Council and KGI employees are not eligible to serve on the Board. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month, with additional meetings as needed. The Board reports to the Tribal Council, as shareholder representative of KGI. The KGI Board manages the tribal gaming facilities, plans tribal gaming initiatives and approves the KGI budget. The KGI Board of Directors oversees the actions of the CEO/GM, who conducts the day-to-day management of the tribal gaming facilities, and the Financial Director, who creates and maintains KGI’s financial records.
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Kaw Nation Powwow Committee
Kaw Nation Powwow Committee Job Description
Tribal Council appoints at least five (5) and at most seven (7) Committee members who serve a term of three (3) years and regularly meet once a month. The Committee plans and coordinates all Powwow events, including but not limited to registration, vendors, contests, raffles, and set-up at the event site. The Committee oversees the Kaw Nation Princess application process, eligibility requirements, requirements during reign, and Princess selection. The Committee also oversees the Campground, provides a current list of occupants to the Tribal Council Secretary, and ensures occupants adhere to the Committee’s Bylaws.
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Kaw Nation Tax Commission
Kaw Nation Tax Commission Job Description
The Tribal Chair appoints (3) or more persons to the Tax Commission with the consent of the Tribal Council. The Tribal Tax Commission meets at least quarterly. The Commission is a governmental agency charged with administering and enforcing all Tribal tax laws, including tobacco, sales, motor vehicle, and hotel and lodging tax. The Commission has the authority to assess and collect tax, conduct hearings and investigations, examine documents and witnesses, compromise claims, and provide waivers on matters related to Tribal Tax laws.
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Kaw Nation Industries Board
Kaw Nation Industries Board Job Description
Kaw Nation Industries (KNI) is the corporate charter of the Kaw Nation, formed for the purpose of engaging in economic development unrelated to gaming activities. The KNI Board of Directors consists of five (5) members appointed by the Tribal Council. Terms are three (3) years. The Board reports to the Tribal Council, as shareholder representative of the Nation. Directors must have academic credentials or experience in business, accounting, law or finance, and possess business expertise necessary to carry out the functions of KNI.
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Kaw Nation Gaming Commission
Kaw Nation Gaming Commission Job Description
The Kaw Nation Gaming Commission regulates Kaw Nation gaming on Kaw Nation lands. The Gaming Commission consists of two part-time Commissioners and one full-time Commissioner. The term of each Commissioner shall be three (3) years. The full‑time commissioner, who serves as the Chair of the Commission, oversees the Office of the Gaming Commission and its employees. The Commission meets monthly to review the investigative and licensing work of the Office of the Gaming Commission, to conduct hearings, and to approve Gaming Commission regulations and policies. Employees of Kaw Nation Gaming entities and KGI employees are not eligible to serve as a Commissioner.
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698 Grandview Drive
Kaw City, Oklahoma

Contact Info
Phone: (580) 269-2552
Fax: (580) 269-2301