Kaw Nation

Tribal Council

Chapter 1: Purpose

The Tribal Council serves as the Legislative Branch of the Kaw Nation.  The purpose of these Rules of Procedure is to establish a uniform process which will promote effective Tribal Council performance, facilitate orderly and productive meetings and establish clear expectations of members of the Tribal Council.  These Rules of Procedure may be amended only by approval of the Tribal Council, followed by approval of the General Council.



Kimberly Jenkins | chair@kawnation.gov

Vice Chair:

Robert Allen | tcvicechair@kawnation.gov


Little Carol Clark | trbsecretary@kawnation.gov

Tribal Seat 1

Wes Pappan | tc1@kawnation.gov

Tribal Seat 2

Samantha Goodno | tc2@kawnation.gov

Tribal Seat 3

Debbie Lewman | tc3@kawnation.gov

Tribal Seat 4

Desiree Storm Brave | tc4@kawnation.gov

Tribal Council

Rules of Procedure

Approved by Tribal Council Resolution 20-110 on December 12th, 2020
Confirmed by General Council Resolution 21-0lGC on January 10th, 2021


698 Grandview Drive

Kaw City, Oklahoma


Tribal Council

Contact Info

Phone: (580) 269-2552

Fax: (580) 269-2301
